About Us

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." - - 1 Corinthians 6:19‭-‬20 NIV

At Body Bailout, we believe that everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should treat them accordingly. This means that it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and truly care for the bodies we've been given. We firmly believe that a healthy lifestyle journey centers around the following principles that have completely transformed our own personal health:

- Strength training 5 days per week
- Daily movement and sun exposure
- Whole food nutrition
- Prioritizing sleep
      Consistently following these four principles will bail you out of the prison of weakness and insecurity, enabling you to take control of your physical and mental health so that you feel worthy, confident, fit, and capable of rising to meet any challenge. As such, our goal is to deliver strength-training inspired fitness apparel to keep you motivated on your journey, along with wellness and beauty solutions that allow you to ditch your dependency on Big Pharma meds and chemical-filled products so you can function like the high-performance machine God created you to be!

      Our beliefs and core values:

      • We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (Psalms 139:14; 1 Corinthians 6:19‭-‬20)
      • Caring for your physical and mental health is an extremely important component of honoring God with your body
      • Everyone deserves to love themselves and the skin they are in
      • Delivering true health and wellness solutions empowers others to take control of their physical and mental health


      Melissa Roberts, Co-founder

      Melissa is a fitness professional with over 19 years of experience. Her passion and career in fitness began in college at the University of Michigan. Today she enjoys helping friends and family on their fitness journey by teaching yoga and strength training classes. Aside from fitness, she has a love for rock 'n roll, makeup, and fashion. Melissa lives in Nolensville, TN, with her husband, Eric, and their fur baby, Prince.

      Delana Franklin, Co-founder

      Delana is a former collegiate basketball player who is passionate about health, fitness and nutrition. She also has a deep love for skincare, hair care, makeup, music and blue jeans. She is a certified group fitness instructor and nutrition coach who enjoys sharing simple tips and recipes that help others to make healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes. Delana lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, with her husband, Eason, and their fur baby, Lita.